In today's current market, almost each person has a web site of some kind. However, most companies fight to see any real business development from their site. The truth is, no matter how well structured your web site is, it is not triumphant until it is found by the target market. Millions of buyers are using Internet search engines to find products and services every day, not only having an attractive website, but also a web presence that converts into sales for the organisation. Below are some considerations for proper and effective web designs
Website content
• What is new, section to direct users, to up to date information, and attention grabbers
• Last opted in trailer which would assist the user in checking for recent changes
• Added value; order of information in a way that would appeal to the users
• Collection of data so that way the web site could be used as a reference.
• Logical – “Divide site into categories, label pages, most sites need multi-level navigation, plan accordingly.” This is important as it gives an easy layout so that visitors can easily identify the data and find the right category. It also allows the designer to have different sections for different data also meaning it easier to add on new information.
Page layout
• Consistency; same look or feel throughout all the web pages which would be based on template, author contact information date and copyrights if any
• Familiarity; logo at the top left hand site and a link to the homepage, also the colour text and scheme should relate to the companies norms that is consistent with other media
• Accessibility and legibility; users may have sight issues, enlarged fonts, will colour blindness be a disadvantage to some users, the content must be easy to read, use of plain common fonts and also avoiding patterned background to text.
• Ease of access – “Multiple routes, so the user has alternative ways to get to the data.” This allows the user to easily move through the site, finding the best way to access the desired data and makes it easier to use for all users.
Navigations and design consideration
• Logical; divide the site into different categories and well labelled and structured pages
• Ease of access; allow the use of multiple access routes so users can have alternative ways to get data and also share information, finally and most importantly return users to the access point when they are finished
• Images – “Remove unnecessary images, reduce file size – crop to subject, lower colour count, and use compression.” This involves making images the right size relevant to the information, only have images that are necessary and add to the website.
Download speed
• Most users are not as patient and normally it is thought that they will move on should a page take longer than some seconds so down load speeds should be considered.
This is the most essential part as the saying goes “a picture says a thousand words” during the creation of web or in its infancy unnecessary images should be removed, reduction of file size, crop to subject, lower count the use of compressions with(jpg) speed rendering by specifying some of the attributes. Alternatives to images – “Replace text images by text with a coloured background.” This adds more colour on a website, however, using colour needs to be done carefully and only certain colours used that add to the appeal of the website design.
http;// retrieved 03-04-2010 23;5
Baron, K. (2009). WEBSITE DESIGN FACTORS. Available:
Last accessed 05/04/2010.
(2010). Online Tools for small businesses. Available:
Last accessed 05/04/2010
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12 years ago
As far as I recall the task asked for 800 words and this is 590 only!!?
Explain please
Please note: for your CW you need to print everything on your blog including; your individual profiles, any comments been posted and Google analytics. Make sure you present the work properly not only disjointed printouts from the blog.
Can you also highlight how you responded to any questions been asked?
If you used clips/videos make sure to describe them in the CW in their related section(s)
Hi, guys!
Have you put these attributes in accordance with their importance for a successful web design, or they are ordered randomly?
Thank you!
respond to E-heroes
to be quite honest we thought that the task on web design was 600 words that was why we did not want to go above the actual 600 words limit we thought.
to E-utopia
various academics in this area talks about different ways of how to make a website , it is a matter of the web designers opinion as to the order which they think it should fall in.
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