The internet is seen as the solution to the global connectivity needs of man, due to this the world has shrunk and the technological advancements in the internet has created what is now known as a global culture and has altered individuals perspective on religion, values , politics, individual behaviour, and how human needs are satisfied. The internet culture has raised awareness to new levels which has led to cultural, educational and psychological revolutions bringing about a collapse in old age traditions. Creativity is at its apex as people can share ideas and go into joint creative ventures.
Internet addiction disorder refers to the problematic use of the Internet, including the various aspects of its technology, such as electronic mail (e-mail) and the World Wide Web. You should note that Internet addiction disorder is not listed in the mental health professionals handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revision (2000), which is also called the DSM. Internet addiction has, however, been formally recognized as a disorder by the American Psychological Association.
In some respect people who are addicted use other so called behaviours like shopping excessive gambling ECT. People who get this disorder usually start of using the internet on a normal base.
New Technology
As new technologies are designed and new computers are introduce the older generation is slowly faded out to what these things really do. Though South Korea Boast of having the fastest internet connection, it has the task of organizing camps for it next generation who are addicted to the web. According to the Youth counseling institute of Korea, about 14.4% of Korea’s school children show signs of internet addiction. However, the development of new technology is hampering the new generation from gaining full control on their language and also their ability to do physical activities. Children today have a much distorted view of the world because they spend more time on the web than actually in the world.
The Way we Think
Before the web there was far more information for as to absorb and search to gain some knowledge that we need. However, with the internet today, a good search engine can give any person the knowledge of anything they want by the click of some bottoms. However, because of the abundance of the knowledge and how accessible it is, it has made it not important to have knowledge because all the information is available on the web. (Larry Sanger) this has also shaped the way we think, as the newer generation is not as keen to gain knowledge as this generation is. This type of thinking is also restrictive as in the past, there were many information that if you wanted you would have to go to the local library to find. The idea of going to the local library to find information is one that would be laugh at now because we think differently. For a young child today looking at them in the eyes is an unconfortable moment because they are too used to communicating through the web that that their way of think is not through face to face.
The Ability of the Web to connect people
With the internet everything seem to have come closer, and the fact that the web has no boundaries means that it can connect people on all parts of the world. While many do argue that the web isolate people, Barry Wellman of Toronto University stated that the web was actually helping people stay in contact and maintain their communities through emails and instant messaging. John Harrigan from the Paw Associated Press also found that people who contact their close friends or relatives at least once a week on the web are 25 percent likely to have a landline contact of them as well. Therefore, concluding that they make face to face contact as well as web contact.
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12 years ago
is this article based on the BBC program? if so can you please clarify.
I don’t think that the ease of information accessibility - brought to us by the internet - made it not important to have the knowledge. For instance, we can easily argue that newer generations are much more competitive and - overall - knowledgeable than older generations. I think we should move away from the classic thinking of reading books being the only way to acquire knowledge and start to recognize blogs, facebook, wikipedia and even youtube videos as learning materials.
On the other hand, I do agree that internet changed the way we consume knowledge and that the easy access to such knowledge made it seem unimportant
perfectly said....
i do not it could be said that this generation is much knowledgeable than the last. This is because this generation consume less information because its always available. however,these internet forms of acquiring knowledge, forms communities that isolate people from each other. thus moving towards a world were everyone will be sitting in a room by themselves and never meeting face to face.
We agree that Internet changes the way of thinking and procesing of information.
It is much more easier typing a word in Google, instead of searching for it within tones of books. It is also the lazier way.
Whatever the consequences are, we are so used to it at the moment, that one can not imagine their life without Internet. And they shouldn't.
Firstly, this would make them less competitive on the labour market.
Secondly, as you have mentioned, it would restict their opportunity to communicate with people that are far away.
Thirdly, ...
We ourselves are the reason, striving for evolution, and we ourselves should find the remedy, a kind of balance maybe...
What do you think?
Thank you!
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