Various opinions exist on whether mobile phones will replace laptops. The view that this blog is taking is to disagree and state that mobile phones will not replace computers. However, if interested in reading blogs on people who believe mobile phones will replace laptops, these two websites are a good source,!.html and in particular this second blog, with an interesting example citing the Blackberry phone as evidence that mobile phones are going to replace computers
The idea that mobile phones will one day replace computers is not likely in reality, as for a mobile phone to be able to hold the processing power to run internet connection along with holding big word document files and using Microsoft Word on a mobile phone is complicated and not as easy to use as a computer. Also mobile phones easily lose signal meaning connection to the internet is by no means certain unlike with a computer connection which is more reliable. While the screen size of a mobile phone is small and often requires scrolling up and down and side to side when reading internet articles, a laptop or computer is much easier to read as the screen is larger. The mobile phone is undoubtedly becoming more accessible for work and leisure activities; however, it’s still a long way from replacing computers, as the laptop can hold more memory than mobile phones, easily useable word documents for work and access to the internet while also being portable. Mobile phones may replace standard computers that are fixed in one location, but the laptop will continue to be ahead of the mobile phone as it can do all the things a mobile phone can and with more options and memory at present. The idea that mobile phones will improve can be seen from the past decade with vast improvements in the technology, however, computers and laptops have also evolved, and the time when mobile phones replace computers/laptops altogether is still a distant vision. It could also be argued that the computer is taking over the mobile phone rather than the other way around, as mobile phones have incorporated computer technology, without computer technology existing, mobile phones would not be able to evolve in the way they have, this is an interesting viewpoint which has room for further discussion. The sentiments that mobile phones are not likely to replace computers is supported by ‘Li Tao from Microsoft Windows Mobile Product Planning’, who believes for mobile phones to replace computers five factors have to fall into place and this is very unlikely to happen particularly in the immediate future. The five aspects that need to be addressed are:
1. The small display limits the user scenarios and experiences.
2. The cost and speed of wireless broadband data access has to approach that of landline access.
3. Ecosystem of appliances, services and content have to satisfy basic needs of core groups.
4. The breakthrough of battery life and power management innovations.
5. Are consumer habits and behaviours ready to compute on mobile phones?
These five points help support the view that mobile phones are not going to make computers obsolete, several issues exist which currently prevent mobile phones replacing computers. To conclude mobile phones won’t replace computers as mentioned earlier in the article, computers have been able to evolve at the same time as mobile phones, it’s not a one way process, and until the mobile phone has no issues, such as processing power and a good keyboard for typing in Microsoft Word and the storage capacity to keep big files for work or gaming, the computer will always be needed.
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12 years ago
I think that at some point in time mobiles will replace the computers.. you might say that small displays limits the user scenarios and experiences .. but what is the technology would advance in some way that you can have a hologram as your screen and everything would be just so easy to use ... About the battery and power consume I am sure this problem would be resolved through different other means
We agree that the mobile phone will never take in the place of a pc.
As indicated, not only the screen will give the user a less convenient feeling but also the use of a proper keyboard and applications only available for computers will give the advantage to a computer.
Battery life and other technical problems might get resolved in the future but wouldn't you agree with the fact that the pc will always stay one step ahead since mobile phones with the same capabilities as a pc are mostly based on a pc and will therefor evolve later?
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